Sky-high unreachable crazy goals

Our activities' consistency and efficiency depend on one thing: our motive for performing the activity. Is it for the essence of the activity that we are performing it? Or are we performing the activity for something else that we may gain by it?

Most overlook this deep aspect of reality when it comes to pursuing their dreams. People believe that we just ought to put our efforts as hard as we can, while altogether neglecting the interior strengthening required to undertake a monumental effort.

When we put our endeavor for obtaining side-benefits from a situation, we will surely stop working hard once we achieve the side-benefits.

For eg: If I studied hard for my exams to become famous by scoring high, once I get a bit famous, my drive to study further is reduced greatly.

If a person keeps goals that are short-sighted and achievable, they lose focus once they achieve their goal. They become complacent in life and lose the discipline they once had.

Consistency in thought and action throughout one's life is achieved only when a person sets non-achievable goals.

When one has crazy dreams, however, and is also focused on them, no matter what happens, the person remains consistent in their thoughts, as their dreams are never completely achieved. There's always more exploration to do, more hardship to take and more adventures to cherish.

When you see yourself going against your dreams, take time to contemplate on what you really need, and why you dream for what you dream. What is that essential one thing that will make you madly curious and consumed by thought and devoured by passion?

Passion is not a fleeting feeling of like or dislike, but is a longstanding and deep desire for something that by nature is not completely achievable at any point.


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